教师 奖 提名 Form

中国博彩平台奖评选委员会(ASC)正在征集以下教师奖项的提名. 如果您有兴趣提名符合其中一个奖项资格标准的人, please complete this nomination form below. All form submissions will be sent via email to Kathryn Pitts. 提名s will then be forwarded to ASC for review.

All nominations are due by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.

Academic Affairs 奖 for Innovative Teaching

“学术事务创新教学奖”旨在表彰通过创新教学方法(如发展教育的新方法)的卓越实施,提高学生学习体验的校园团体或个人教职员工, innovative practices in embedded study abroad, 等.).

Nominee Qualifications

  • 在PSU-LV连续工作至少2年(在工作满2年后合格).
  • Has/have not received this award over the past three years.

  • The recipient(s) will receive a certificate suitable for framing.


  • PSU-LV奖评选委员会(ASC)将在2024年4月5日星期五之前征集提名.
  • PSU-LV校区的任何员工或学生都可以使用提名表格提名符合上述资格标准的教师/小组.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • While faculty members may draw students’ attention to the awards, they are not to distribute nomination forms to students.
  • 提名s shall be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.


  • 校长应决定被提名者的资格,并将所有符合条件的提名转交, together with the nomination form, to the 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • 咨询委员会应联系候选人,征得其同意,并索取以下材料:
  • A personal statement explaining the course(s) or project(s) that demonstrate innovation.
  • 当前简历.
  • 被提名的教师必须在ASC委员会通知提名后的14天内向ASC提供所需的材料和许可.
  • ASC将选出两名决赛入围者,并将这些名字转发给学术事务主任,由他决定获胜者.

Responsibility of Recipient

Recipients of this award shall make themselves available as mentors to other faculty.

Outstanding Contribution in Outreach, and/or Service

中国博彩平台校区(PSU-LV)的目的是表彰和鼓励优秀的外展活动, 服务, and advising by faculty at the Lehigh Valley Campus.


  • 连续在我校工作满2年(满2年后合格).
  • Has not received this award over the past three years.

  • 获奖者将获得一份适合拍摄的证书和500美元的额外旅行资助.00) for the upcoming academic year.
  • 受奖人的姓名应当在学校挂出的受奖人牌匾上登记.


  • PSU-LV奖评选委员会(ASC)将在2024年4月5日星期五之前征集提名.
  • PSU-LV校区的任何员工或学生都可以使用提名表格提名符合上述资格标准的教职员工.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • While faculty members may draw students’ attention to the awards, they are not to distribute nomination forms to students.
  • 提名s shall be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.


  • 校长应决定被提名者的资格,并将所有符合条件的提名转交, together with the nomination form, to the 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) by Friday, 4月5日, 2024. ASC shall review all nominations, then contact candidates to obtain their consent and request the following materials:
  • 一份个人陈述,用外行的话解释外展/服务/建议及其重要性.
  • 当前简历.
  • Sample publications or other documentation of outreach, 服务, and advising.
  • Evidence of the effectiveness of the candidate’s outreach/服务/advising, such as letters supporting the quality of outreach, 服务, 或者项目或相关项目的受益人或外部捐助者向被提名人提供建议.
  • 被提名的教师必须在ASC委员会通知提名后的14天内向ASC提供所需的材料和许可.

Responsibility of Recipient

Recipients of this award shall make themselves available as mentors to other faculty.

Outstanding Research and/or Creative Accomplishment (all faculty)

  • 中国博彩平台校区(PSU-LV)的宗旨是认可和鼓励卓越的学术研究, creative activity, 奖学金, and mastery of subject matter by PSU-LV faculty. Two awards will be available, one for Established/Senior scholar, and one for Emerging/Early-Career scholar. These awards are open to all faculty members, including tenure line and teaching line.


  • 连续在我校工作满2年(满2年后合格).
  • Has not received this award over the past three years.

  • 获奖者将获得一份适合裱画的证书和500美元的额外旅行资助.00) for the upcoming academic year.
  • A book shall be placed in the library on his or her behalf.
  • 受奖人名单应当在学校挂出受奖人牌匾.


  • PSU-LV奖评选委员会(ASC)将在2024年4月5日星期五之前征集提名.
  • PSU-LV校区的任何员工或学生都可以使用提名表格提名符合上述资格标准的教职员工.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • While faculty members may draw students’ attention to the awards, they are not to distribute nomination forms to students.
  • 提名s shall be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.


  • 校长应决定被提名者的资格,并将所有符合条件的提名转交, together with the nomination form, to the 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • The ASC shall review all nominations, 然后联系候选人,征得他们的同意,并要求提供以下材料(以及审查材料的许可):
  • 一份个人陈述,用外行的术语解释研究/奖学金和意义.
  • 当前简历.
  • 创造性成就的出版物/文件样本(根据学科需要).
  • 候选人学术影响力的证明(引文、演讲邀请信、文章等).被提名的教师必须在ASC委员会通知提名后的14天内向ASC提供所需的材料和许可.
  • The committee reserves the right to present two people with the award, if warranted.

Responsibility of Recipient

Recipients of this award shall make themselves available as mentors to other faculty.

Teaching Excellence 奖 (all faculty)



奖项评选委员会鼓励提名PSU-LV的任何和所有教师. 校长和委员会将根据以下规则(存档)决定候选人的资格, not to discourage any nomination):


  • 终身教职或全职教职人员,必须在PSU-LV连续工作至少两年(在工作满二年后符合条件)。.
  • Has not received this award over the past three years.


  • The person must be a part-time faculty member, 连续在我校工作满2年(满2年后合格).
  • The recipient of this award will be ineligible during the three succeeding years.

  • 获奖者将获得一份适合拍摄的证书和500美元的额外旅行资助.00) for the full-time faculty winner and two-hundred fifty dollars ($250.00) for the part-time faculty winner for the upcoming academic year.
  • A book shall be placed in the library on his or her behalf.
  • 受奖人的姓名应当在学校挂出的受奖人牌匾上登记.


  • PSU-LV奖评选委员会(ASC)将在2024年4月5日星期五之前征集提名.
  • PSU-LV校区的任何员工或学生都可以使用提名表格提名符合上述资格标准的教职员工.
  • 提名表格(如下)将于2月至3月在PSU-LV网站上提供. Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • Students and employees will be notified of the award nomination process via email.
  • While faculty members may draw students’ attention to the awards, they are not to distribute nomination forms to students.
  • 提名s shall be submitted to the Office of the Chancellor by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.


  • 校长应决定被提名者的资格,并将所有符合条件的提名转交, together with the nomination form, to the 奖 选择 Committee (ASC) by Friday, 4月5日, 2024.
  • The ASC shall review all nominations, then contact candidates to obtain their consent and request the following materials:
  • SRTEs for the last two years.
  • 当前简历, including all classes taught at PSU-LV.
  • 一页纸的教学陈述:“请提供一页纸的教学陈述. (The following questions are meant to provide a starting point, rather than a straitjacket.) Why do you teach? What is your teaching philosophy? What are some core instructional practices that characterize your teaching? What was one of your most successful moments as a teacher?”
  • 被提名的教师必须在ASC委员会通知提名后的14天内向ASC提供所需的材料和许可.
  • 委员会保留亲自或在线访问班级的权利,或要求班级候选人在上课时提供视频.

Responsibility of Recipient

Recipients of this award shall make themselves available as mentors to other faculty.

Check the award of interest