Lehigh Valley students take their education across the world




宾州中央谷. -在中国博彩平台(PSU-LV),全球经历被视为大学生旅程的重要组成部分。. 本月早些时候,35名PSU-LV学生在春假期间进行了全球教育体验. Along with their professors and instructors, 这些学生在短期海外学习项目中看到了世界的新地方,扩大了他们对课程材料的学习和理解.

希腊: A study in intercultural and crisis communication

Nine PSU-LV students traveled to Athens and 圣托里尼岛, 希腊, 从3月1日至8日,与雅典大学的学生一起探索古代文明. This short-term study abroad program was coordinated by 得Hudak, assistant professor of corporate communication; 贝丝Michalec, lecturer in corporate communication; and 莉斯Keptner, director of the Multimedia Innovation Center, 都来自中国博彩平台.

Two students went as part of the course Risk & Crisis in Corporate Communication (CC 404). 他们参观了当地和全球品牌,一所国际大学和政府机构. 然后,学生们将撰写一篇关于全球危机管理的案例研究,并发表演讲.


沃尔特•罗兰, a senior corporate communication major, 欣赏圣托里尼岛的蓝色圆顶, 希腊, during 2019's short-term study abroad experience over spring break.


沃尔特•罗兰 was one of these students. A senior majoring in corporate communication, Roland enjoyed touring the historic sights while in Athens and the beauty of 圣托里尼岛.

“My favorite part about the trip was the exposure to a different culture. The Greeks not only welcome tourists to their country but treat them like family. The sincerity and genuine nature of these compassionate people is unmatched,” Roland said. 

七名学生参加了这次旅行,作为跨文化交际课程(CAS 471)的一部分。. 他们通过与希腊学生的合作学习机会参与文化多样性. PSU-LV的学生与来自雅典经济与商业大学的学生一起进行了一个视频制作项目,加深了他们对美国和希腊文化的了解. 这些学生将通过完成一个数字故事的多媒体合作项目来结束他们的学期.

young woman at the acropolis in 希腊

安娜Ortega-Lambert, 高级艺术管理专业, 2019年春假期间,她在希腊卫城短期留学期间拍了一张自拍照.


“Traveling abroad makes us more tolerant and understanding of other cultures. 它还帮助我们摆脱任何自我中心主义,我们可能怀有,因为我们学会欣赏其他文化,并知道我们的方式不是唯一的方式,安娜·奥尔特加-兰伯特说, a senior majoring in art administration. “在我们的旅途中, we got to talk with students from Athens University, 我很惊讶地发现,尽管我们相隔如此之远,我们却能玩得很开心,并找到这么多的共同点.”

波多黎各: Observing sustainability challenges firsthand

18名PSU-LV学生于3月3日至9日前往波多黎各,在一系列地理背景下分析自然-社会问题, 尤其是那些影响岛屿的, to work together and develop possible solutions from different academic subjects, including geography (GEOG 30N) and management (MANG 301), for addressing contemporary sustainability challenges. This short-term study abroad program was coordinated by 安娜塞拉诺, lecturer in Spanish; Drew Anderson, part-time instructor in meteorology; and Maung K. Min, director of business programs, 都来自中国博彩平台. 塞拉诺和敏也去了. The students were part of the course Spanish 197: Special Topics, which studied sustainability-related programs in 波多黎各.

学生小组 and faculty in front of an ocean in 波多黎各

While visiting 波多黎各 during 2019's short-term study abroad experience, 中国博彩平台的学生参观了七海海滩,在那里他们看到了飓风玛丽亚是如何影响当地野生动物和海滩的.


学生们参观了七海海滩,在那里他们看到了飓风玛丽亚如何影响当地的野生动物和海滩. 然后, they toured the Universidad de 波多黎各 Rio Piedras campus (UPRRP) and learned about the sustainability efforts being made by the university and the Puerto Rican government; students also participated in a joint information sharing session with local students that was hosted by UPRRP. The next day, students hiked in El Yunque National Park. They visited Old San Juan and the Castillo San Felipe Del Morro. 这群人在Lobos和Icacos礁的La Cordillera自然保护区珊瑚礁上浮潜,结束了他们的一周. 

students laying down in square in 波多黎各 infantry barracks

安娜塞拉诺, lecturer in Spanish at 中国博彩平台, 2019年在波多黎各短期留学期间,她冒险来到波多黎各巴拉哈步兵营的三楼,拍摄了她的学生在广场上玩耍的场景.


“我真的很喜欢历史遗迹, 所以了解圣费利佩德尔莫罗城堡的历史对我来说绝对是一个亮点. I also really enjoy swimming and aquariums, 所以浮潜对我来说是一举两得,因为我在水里可以看到很多种鱼,哈沙尔·帕特尔说, a senior majoring in information sciences and technology. “访问波多黎各大学也让我对波多黎各人民在飓风玛丽亚期间和之后的反应有了不同的看法. 在与一些学生交谈时, 我了解到,许多人没有意识到飓风造成的灾难,因为他们没有权力在电视上查看新闻. 岛外的每个人都更关心和担心岛上的人,而不是彼此.”


Harshal B. 帕特尔, center, with fellow 中国博彩平台 students and two University of 波多黎各 students. 在2019年春假期间,PSU-LV短期出国留学期间访问了波多黎各,两所大学之间进行了课堂合作.

来源:Harshal B. 帕特尔


8名PSU-LV美术史:1940年以来的艺术(ARTH 326)荣誉学生于2月11日前往德国. 28日至3月6日,以测试工作理论,并试图更好地理解文化和情境影响在德国艺术家和艺术发展中可能是重要的. The students traveled with 莉斯费海提, 艺术史讲师, program coordinator for arts administration ,and the honors coordinator; and Todd Retzlaff, 数学助理教授, 都来自中国博彩平台.

学生小组 and faculty in front of monument in 柏林

中国博彩平台的学生和教师在2019年短期出国留学期间访问了德国,他们在勃兰登堡门前拍照, an 18th-century neoclassical monument in 柏林.


“柏林 has a tremendous number of museums and places of interest. We visited museums about art, history, communication, anatomy and more. We went to an opera called "The Magic Flute" and saw a grand show called "Vivid." I learned so much about street art and graffiti from a guided tour of the city. We even got a tutorial and chance to create our own spray-paint art,Vinay Singh说, a first-year Schreyer Scholar majoring in biology.

student in front of a German building

Vinay Singh while visiting 德国 during 2019's short-term study abroad experience.

图片来源:Vinay Singh

“My favorite part of the trip was visiting the Holocaust Memorial. There are thousands of concrete slabs that you can walk through. 有些超过15英尺. It was a deep reminder of how far humanity has come with tolerance and acceptance.”

现在,学生们已经回来了,他们将利用他们新发现的知识在一个研究项目中,将解决重要的艺术史中国博彩平台, 同时也会有一场演讲,他们会反思自己在国外的经历,并讨论这些经历对他们作为学习者和个人的影响.


While visiting 德国, students from PSU-LV took part in a street art workshop. 





